Check out this track from System Athletica which offers an uncommon training technology referred to as dynamic isometrics. This style of movement stimulates the brain through co-ordination, agility, timing, footwork (the dynamic principles) and works the physiology through progressive overload (isometrics) not to mention the overabundance of the squat and lunge primal patterns which are done without spinal compression. As we get older we get slower, our footwork ability decreases, our coordination diminishes and our ability to “fire” certain muscle groups “at will” heads south as well. If you are serious about your movement future forget the vanity style training and do yourself a favour, add these tracks to your routine and notice the benefits. Things like stair climbing, getting out of bed easier, decreased lower back issues from compression, increased neurological adaptation to coordinating your feet under your body are all common feedback we have received over the 10+ tears we have been sharing this style with participants. Oh and by the way, if you do this stuff at a good level, you will see great muscular benefits as well, so the vanity muscles become part of the natural process. Have fun!