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Welcome to our shop section. The clothing is print on demand via and we offer 2 shipping from options US & AU to keep the postage costs low. ALL PRICES IN US DOLLARS.

Class donations can be contributed here also. Please note Aussies, the US dollars and there is a currency conversion fee we can sadly do nothing about. If you wish to donate directly contact us at info@ricogroupfitness and we can organise alternatives.

Thank you for supporting us.

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Full, uninterrupted access to our class and exercise content. The best thing about this service is you can schedule our workouts into your routine. Barbell, System Athletica, Shadowboxing and Dance will all be available, so if you want to do three Barbell classes per week you finally can, and at your own time! How good is that? Worth $5 per week I bet. See you at training and thank you for choosing us. ALL PRICES US DOLLARS

Interested in a MINI TRAMPOLINE? We have always found the SMAI (Sports Master Australia) brand to be the best in terms of durability, spring tension, lifespan and mat quality. For our training style, we tested many different trampolines over the past 17 years mostly in large gyms, where because of the volume of use, the quality of equipment must be high standard to avoid legal issues. With that being said, the most reliable trampoline was the SMAI trampoline by far. We use the band tension trampolines to train, the difference being the band makes you work a little more and requires less maintenance than the springs, which tend to get squeaky with our level of usage.

SMAI has kindly allowed us to affiliate with their band tension trampolines, so when you click the link and purchase a trampoline we get commission of the sale. Cool huh? So if you want a tramp, help us out by using this link Thanks!